Recording, editing, and publishing seven days a week was already starting to get tiresome, so I've decided I need a day-a-week break.
Sunday came as the natural choice for that break. Not only was I dreading the prospect of left-wing listeners becoming alienated by the proposed regular political episode of the show, I also found that such an episode would require a lot of prep-time to be good. And I just don't have 4-5 hours to put these things together.
Not to mention: Internet traffic really lulls on Sundays, meaning not many would hear the show. Movie news also slows, meaning a simple change in topic would likely prove futile.
So, with that said, the BucketCast will now broadcast six days a week. It's still an ambitious schedule, but one I will mostly hold to. I say mostly because I'm still unsure of whether I'll be able to do episodes when I'm at film festivals, like the one coming up this week.
But keep tuning in and keep subscribing and rating on iTunes. This is a very small cut-back. Your listenership is appreciated indeed.