Friday, July 10, 2009

BucketCast: Episode 24

From left-to-right: Reid, Michael, Danny, and Eric.

Today's BucketCast is just a barrel 'o goodies. It's a Subman powwow with Friday regular Reid Ackerman (Twitter), plus Michael "Retrospectives Guy" Lester and BucketCast virgin Eric Bruck (Twitter).

First, we talk Bruno (my full review to come tomorrow), which we all caught at the local Midnight show. Then, the discussion opens to the other new releases I Love You Beth Cooper and The Hurt Locker (expanding to 50 cities).

Finally, we scheme our ComicCon schedules up for Thursday and Friday. After all, the schedules are out now at the official website!

So what are you waiting for? Listen!

And S&R if you haven't already. You know the drill.

BucketCast: Episode 23

On today's Podcast (well... yesterday's... the Bruno midnight festivities got in the way of a punctual post), Michael and I once again do retrospectives, this time for Tod Browning's Dracula (1931) and Jonathan Demme's Stop Making Sense (1984). It's a good episode -- be sure to listen.

Also, as you may have noticed, the BucketCast just spent another week without daily episodes. This is because I'm thinking about re-working it--and the whole Bucket Reviews site in general--and have been devoting the time to exploring my options. If you would like to see more/less of something on the BucketCast, or something new altogether, please don't hesitate to e-mail me at or contact me at Twitter handle "bucketreviews".

Your support is appreciated, and the sliver of the BucketCast audience I am able to track is really more than I could have hoped for. Now S & R if you haven't, why don't you!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

BucketCast: Episode 22

On a special Saturday edition of the weekly BucketCast retrospectives show, Danny and Michael discuss picks Anatomy of a Murder (1959) and Do the Right Thing (1989), both of which had significant anniversaries this week.

Apologies for the notch-below-average audio quality; a new mic stand is on order to rectify the situation.
S & R, please.

Friday, July 3, 2009

BucketCast: Episode 21

Reid (left) and Danny (right), deep in Podcasting Nirvana. Video will soon be posted to the "bucketreviews" YouTube channel.
First off, apologies are in order: I'm sorry there has been no BucketCast posted since the Transformers 2 video over a week ago. The Los Angeles Film Festival really took it out of me (the remainder of my coverage will be posted over the course of the next week).

But the BucketCast is back with a vengeance, and from now on will be delivered to your computer the standard six days a week.

On today's comeback episode, Friday regular Reid Ackerman and I broadcast from Subman. Because the year is exactly halfway over, we dish on our Top 10 favorite movies at the mid-point. What are they? Tune in to find out!

And tomorrow: a special Saturday edition of the weekly retrospectives with Michael Lester, in which we discuss Otto Preminger's Anatomy of a Murder and Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing, both of which had significant anniversaries this week. Stay tuned for that.

S & R. You know you want to.